Tag Archives: multimedia fiction ebook

inanimate alice

inaninmate alice.jpg
My friend Sue Thomas sent me a link to work by an artist going by the name of Babel. The first piece I looked at, Inanimate Alice is a wonderful throwback to early interactive media work which mixed audio, video, text and images in simple ways but to powerful effect. Josh Feldman’s Consciousness, Amanda Goodenough’s charming Inigo and Faithful Camel stories, Rodney Greenblatt’s Wonder Window, and Eric Swenson’s notorious BLAM! come immediately to mind. (Looked for links to online versions of these works but didn’t find any — not surprising since they are 14-19 years old. I Think I’ll write the authors and try to assemble an online exhibit of some of this early work. ) If you like Inanimate Alice and know of similar work (past or present) please send us a reference.