Category Archives: itin

a reading room

Alex Itin, the Institute’s artist-in-not-quite-residence, is having an opening soon. He says:
I will be filling four walls with a floor to ceiling installation of images extruded over the last several years for the Art Blog: IT IN Place: /itinplace/
The work will include drawings and collage made over the pages of Fluxus, Time Life Collectibles, and Ulysees. A selection of animations and experimental videos will be projected into the grid of pages.
The Opening is Friday September 26th from 6:00 to 11:00 at USSA Fine Arts which is located in Willamsburg Brooklyn, right along the Williamsburg Bridge, between Bedford and Berry Avenues:
109 South 5th Street #204
Brooklyn, NY

(718) 305-1676
There will be live music and refreshments. I hope to see you there. The installation will be up for about a month. Please forward the invite to anyone you think might be interested.


alex itin at monkeytown

Last night’s Monkeybook event was a big hit. Thanks to all who came. Very soon, we’ll be announcing the relaunch of IT IN place with its fancy new archive interface. Just fixing a few last bugs. In the meantime, here’s a little clip from last night shot by Vimeo founder Jakob Lodwick:

Alex Itin night at Monkeytown on Vimeo
Vimeo user Alex Itin presented a show last night at Monkeytown, screening videos from Vimeo as well as paintings, animated GIFs, and HTML experiments.
It was an inspiring, relaxing night … just laying around, eating food, drinking wine, and enjoying some commercial free video for a few hours.
Thanks Alex!

marjane satrapi on times select

The first panel of Marjane Satrapis blog for the NYTimesEveryone (and that includes us) has spent a lot of time complaining about Times Select, the paid online access to the New York Times editorial content. As I still subscribe to the paper version & thus get free access, I haven’t complained so much. One thing that seems not to have been noticed in the debate is that Times Select coverage isn’t exactly the same as the print version: increasingly, they’ve been creating dedicated web content which wouldn’t work on the paper version at all. The most notable web-only content so far has been that they’ve given Marjane Satrapi, her own blog, titled An Iranian in Paris. Satrapi’s a Persian graphic novelist; her Persepolis beautifully illustrates her experience growing up in Iran before, during, and after the revolution.

Her blog’s worth a look – get someone else’s account info, if you don’t have an account. It reminds me not a little of the blog of Alex Itin, our artist in perpetual residence, who continues to fill his blog with pictures, some moving, with occasional dollops of text. Satrapi’s work here feels astonishingly human and casual, thanks in no small part to the handwriting fonts used for the text. It’s interesting to me that they’ve chosen to put this on the web: it’s decidedly paper-based art. But the Web lets her be a bit more expansive than her usual black and white work: consider this image, where she seems to have scanned her passport, than drawn over its image, which would be difficult with electronic technology.

She’s posted three (extended) entries so far, and the Times has given no indication of how long they intend to keep this up – or, really, any explanation of what they’re trying to do here – leading one to hope that this is an open-ended series. Is this worth shelling out money for Times Select? Maybe not by itself. But if they keep providing this sort of web-dedicated content, naysayers might think about reconsidering.