3 thoughts on “commentpress 3.1

  1. Hubert Guillaud

    Like a lot of people, i’m a fan of CommentPress. But i have a suggestion for an update. I think that CommentPress need a generative RSS for each user to access to the book by the stream, chronologicaly. When i access to a CommentPress book, i need to generate a feed of the content. If i follow a CommentPress feed, i follow last chapters, which is not very pertinent. I need CommentPress to authorize a new feed to access to the whole book, chapter by chapter… A feed i can read when i want, along the book linearity. By this way, we could generate a stream to the content, whenever i access to the book. An RSS feed which could adapt to the reader, to the reading experience, which is not only online, but in the flow of our readings.
    Do you imagine any YahooPipes to do something like that ?

  2. Lanny Snook

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