5 thoughts on “map of online communities

  1. shai

    heh.. this is an awesome map! the only thing it’s missing is a big turtle holding up the whole thing, called “Google”. also, how cool would it be to have “Here be anthropomorphic dragons” replaced by a nice trogdor pic?

  2. Andy

    love this.. I’ve been spending quality time in the Web 2.0 straights. Have to admit I’m finding it hard to venture from the comforts of flickr. But I do occasionally spend long weekends on the growing isle of Second Life 😉 I work on blogapeligo @ http://blog.ideacity.com .

  3. Jeremy

    hi, great idea…
    Being an adventurer I’d like to claim that the island in the centre of the blogipelago is called ecoloqo, the online community where sustainability rocks!!

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