3 thoughts on “google flirts with image tagging

  1. bowerbird

    i’m not sure you got the main point here;
    although the image-indexing is the _result_
    — in particular, it is a _useful_ result —
    it’s a mere byproduct of people playing games.
    whether or not _you_ think the game is fun
    is immaterial, as long as _someone_ enjoys it.
    (at root, most games are silly. basketball,
    for instance, is tossing a ball through a hoop.)
    if you asked people to index images because
    “it’ll be great when the images are indexed”,
    you’re not gonna be successful at recruitment.
    but transform it into a game they like playing,
    and people will come flocking to your door.
    that’s a very powerful
    i recommend people watch this video:
    > http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-8246463980976635143
    it’s the talk given to google by the researcher
    — and it apparently got google to spring cash.
    it’s 30 minutes long, but it’s one of the most
    interesting lectures i’ve heard in a long time.

  2. joand315

    I find this game incredibly entertaining and fun. We are sharing perceptions with an unknown subject, working to come to an answer. After the round, you can see how the other person answered so you can improve your game. The real point of the game is matching someone not doing a good job labeling the picture. The labeling is just a byproduct of the game.

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