I drew these with a sharpie on a big piece of paper as a sort of basic storyboard to guide us in chopping up Cage footage. Click on image to see it larger.
Brooklyn rising up in ocean purple fiction, crossing detail.
The Waitress smiling, hopping, hoping sangria slice.
Step branching around when spoken needles speak cannibal –
Entranced by Princess and a pea.
Flocking scribbles running wishbone assembly.
Light Hanging on drop gas.
Steeple steeple shinning, houses ghost story.
Brick and maple divinity lost glasses.
Signs, paintings, trophies spinning softly tulips.
Tiger running out minimal mash up detour.
Orange star dragon mountains –
Refined big bananas bloom pink fur phone reflection.
Wash hair enclosed chess horse zebra.
Zuzu’s Petals, missing lock sprung cat.
Stuffed school sport trees willing into existence perfect living guns and butter –
Reminds distressed turkey turning bananas.
Inflates power lit large.
Piped pitched paper bag lion remembers saying nothing and hoops the fix.
Spiral seeking one thousand parapets.
Ulysees granted sirens.
Bather hunted haunted rising setting rising out of piled out blue.
Held onto patiently – meeting wiggers becoming without memory
There should be words, but I have none at the moment.
documentation of the last two Zipperhead shows.
An Inheritance for the Meek from Alex Itin on Vimeo.
Polyethylene Bag in Disposable Film Festival on Vimeo is in the running for Audience Choice Award. This is mostly an attempt by the festival to drive eyes to their channel to watch the program, but Hey all you have to do is press the heart like button in the upper right corner of the vid and that counts as a vote for me. I could win a bleedin’ cell phone, or a remote controlled dinosaur. I’m actually more interested in the offspring of these two devices… a sort of remote controlled video cell phone dinosaur, but that’s maybe next year’s prize? Just press the DFF logo and it will take you to their channel. Vote Poly Ethylene Bag and vote often.
One of the first Artists I met in New York, Richard Heinsohn, came up from Nashville (where he beat a retreat from the cruel and fickle New York Art World to concentrate on his guitar and songs). He was up to visit our old Gallery gather some new paintings from a recent show there and play a couple of gigs in Dumbo. He stopped by Frost Street with our Buddy Major Tom Drum to see my show and collaborate on the long scroll…. and you know…. drink beer. Dave was practicing and the P.A. was up and the mikes hot and the nylon string classical guitar tuned up (not Richard’s normal instrument) and I asked Richard to play us a song then. I haven’t heard him in a few years and clearly Nashville has been good to his music. It’s nice to see someone grow in their talent over time. If you click on his name at the start of this post, you can check out his recent paintings too. We agreed that the key to life as an artist is: not to die.