Filter Feeder

Been managing so much info from the gopro and sony that is very difficult to color compress without making duplicate files and filling up my strainting hard drive…. so long story short, I thought I’d try some of Vimeo’s new “instagramstyle” filters for video.  THere are a  lot of options and I am lazy, but I like the saturation and contrast on this filter.  What say you, dear reader?

Taxi BQE



I was coming home in the taxi when I called you and you were already home and getting ready for bed and so I hung up and asked the cab driver where he was from originally and he said, “Egypt” and so we spoke of pyramids, and the Old Testament, and Islam, and Israel and Palestine and terrorism and when we’d exhausted all that we spoke of dogs.  He said his pit bull was having a bad allergic reaction to something in the Autumn air, or ground.  His skin was all inflamed and the dog took to licking its paws to try and stop the itch.  The dog’s paws were now a bloody mess and he’d scratched his belly raw in great spasms of back leg sharp claw digging.  They had to put the  dog’s head in a huge plastic cone.

“Space Dog,”  I said

“Yes, like a space dog, exactly.”



It was nice to agree on something and we whisked through the Brooklyn night home to where I pet the dogs and checked their paws just to be on the safe side.


Without Memory

Brooklyn rising up in ocean purple fiction, crossing detail.
The Waitress smiling, hopping, hoping sangria slice.
Step branching around when spoken needles speak cannibal –
Entranced by Princess and a pea.
Flocking scribbles running wishbone assembly.
Light Hanging on drop gas.
Steeple steeple shinning, houses ghost story.
Brick and maple divinity lost glasses.
Signs, paintings, trophies spinning softly tulips.
Tiger running out minimal mash up detour.
Orange star dragon mountains –
Refined big bananas bloom pink fur phone reflection.
Wash hair enclosed chess horse zebra.
Zuzu’s Petals, missing lock sprung cat.
Stuffed school sport trees willing into existence perfect living guns and butter –
Reminds distressed turkey turning bananas.
Inflates power lit large.
Piped pitched paper bag lion remembers saying nothing and hoops the fix.
Spiral seeking one thousand parapets.
Ulysees granted sirens.
Bather hunted haunted rising setting rising out of piled out blue.
Held onto patiently – meeting wiggers becoming without memory