The Addictions

So I’m back. The better half is back and sleeping has become less an act of rolling around in lonesome sheets till sunrise and more like, you know, sleeping. The screening is done and I was happy with the narrative arc of the pieces together as a group. I feel like I’ve been composing about a half hour stream of consciousness narrative over the last two, or three years in video. I have composed it all out of sequence and semi unconsciously and every time I do a screening (which is more and more frequent) I try to take the opportunity to chip away the extraneous bits and get to the core themes and images. I get closer and my present feeling is that I will have to overlap and edit the present sequence into a more coherent and shorter whole… Or Mash it up into a two channel diptych which worked beautifully at Monkeytown several months ago. Speaking of Mash ups, My favorite part of the weekend was hearing David Scarborough play some of his songs. He has appeared in cameo on several of the Frost Vlog videos helping me hang the big paintings, etc. I knew he sang, but it’s always nice when someone exceeds your expectations. At some point I did some timelapses of him playing (and his wife watching the whole set, sitting at his feet in what has to be the most romantic tableau I’ve seen in months). After we got the video equipment set up on Saturday night and after we’d had a few beers, I shot a video of him on my little flip cam singing in front of my animations. It was strange how the song and the pictures seemed to collide in happy tragedies.