Willoughby Wakes Up


willsad2willsad4willsad5Willoughby wakes up and willoughby turns on the news and willoughby sees that Lou Reed is dead and Willoughby thinks of the first time he heard Lou Reed and tries to figure out when he will die vis a vis Lou Reed’s life expectancy.  He tries to cross reference heroin and cocaine use against his own Budweiser and cigarettes.  He grows weak.  He says, “I don’t want to die” to no one in particular and then turns over in bed again half asleep half listening to the news about a dead Lou Reed.willsad

Later he sits up to think about coffee and he says, “I don’t want to die.”

Death Cards For Willoughby


double_u UU sends cards for dead Mexican Kings my way and it made me think how much I’m playing cards these days.  I’ve been spending a lot of time editing Cage with Dave S. and that feels like a poker game half the time.  I’ve also been trying to storyboard Willoughby which feels like a card game too, in the sense of discreet rectangle pictures laid out like solitaire.  More hands to come!

Willstoryboard1 willstoryboard2 willstoryboard3 willstoryboard4 Willstoryboard5Deathcards

Willoughby and Washington

I had this crazy experience. I googled Brooklyn brownstone to find an image for the master background of willoughby. When I went out for a film jog yesterday I think I found it. It is on the corner of Willoughby street. I don’t exactly believe in God, but I believe in art. It is these Coincidances that make me keep going. I love science, but art seems to be the way that the universe speaks to me.

Clark Comes Down

Clark comes down as if somehow gentically engineered to interrupt the peace of my morning cigarette and he is all burning and fire; when all I wanted, or needed was smoke. He is, as always, too much: Too many words, too many laughs, too many tears and too many needs. Naturally he needs to bum a cigarette. I want to tell him to buy his own, but his mother just died and I don’t know… I think you just have to give things to people in mourning in the morning. So I do.

The Other Night At Barbès

The other night I was home alone and bored with drawing on the computer and bored with all manner of other digital media distractions and most importantly, bored with being alone. I became nostalgic for Paris. So inspired by the recent and past collabs with UU, I decided to grab the old Montmartre valise of magic (drawing supplies and paper scraps,etc.) and head out to a local spot I haven’t haunted in a while, Barbes. There to make a mess with ink and paper and people and the ultimate solvent: alcohol. Tango music filled the air as I made some scribbles. It was a nice time and today I am playing with the drawings and thinking about how mixing up video images and digital drawing for Willoughby could be as fun and sort of familiar as making Café Collages, or whatever you call those things I’ve been doing on books and maps and scraps since at least Paris and then Galapagos back in ’97 or 8 I think? Still, it seems important to keep people and place and paper involved at least on a conceptual level.

In other news, it seems official that I will be doing a residency at 17 Frost from November 3 Through the end of the Year! This will be a multimedia installation for the project we’ve been collaborating on since last summer, CAGE.

Willoughby Walks

I’ve been thinking for a while about doing a small narrative animation that would be my own project as I also work on other things: collabs, comissions, paintings, etc. It might take a year or two to complete. It seems sort of obvious that I should just go back to the beginning of the blog and accept that Willoughby probably wants to be a multimedia animation as much or more than it wants to be an e-book or anything else. I think I’ve learned enough tricks to pull it off and also realize that such a project might inspire me to learn some new ones. There are a mountain of animation programs out there that could probably work for a thing like Willoughby and save me oceans of tough labor. This one is about the final product and looking great in the end. It’s been 8 years of experimenting and process. Time to make a finished product! So here is background one. Three Brownstones in Brooklyn. The narrator walks outside to have a cigarette. Or with color:

Cough Cough In

I awoke in the middle of night. The dog was coughing; that phlegmatic cancer cough of hers and it made me open my eyes and I coughed too in the blur of a heavy breeze moving the trees blue the light through the window in such a wind shadow way that I saw it as a ghostly figure floating over the bed and I became terrified that it was death coming after us – that the we, or she were coughing towards the coffin. It took a while to fix my eyes.