First Frost



It’s my first day of residency at Frost street and I’m not even there yet.  Plumbing and domestic matters have taken me away, but also a dwelling on the past as a way of shooting forward.   Javi and I are supposed to smoke a Cuban cigar and begin to figure out how to let this new show out of it’s cage



The Shining



Gearing up to start a Residency at 17 frost from Nov, thru Jan.  Most of the work will be of a narrative and more or less figurative nature, so I’ve been drawing abstracts in the spirit of contrariness.  I’ve never shown a lot of my abstract work, but I never stop making it.  I guess I’m afraid that even the best abstract paintings (like Kline and DeKooning and Twombly) sort of end up as decorations/trophies for rich idiots.  They can sort of drift into the background and be ignored.  I guess you can ignore Mozart too, so it shouldn’t matter,  but then I never wanted to be Mozart, I wanted to scream and rock.  Still abstraction is my first love and my favorite work to look at or make



Ch Ch Ch Ch Cherry Tree!

11261104jpg She says, “What’s that ugly thing? Are you making cherries?” And I think, “No I’m destroying the world.” But I say, “Well yeah, I guess it could be a cherry tree. Do you suppose I could draw Donyo as a bird? A little thing with wings and a human head?” “That sounds ugly,” She says. “I think it will be funny,” I say. So tune in later this week to see the flying cog.

Dream On

profile32aDream On sung by Donald Johnson at 17 Frost a few weeks ago with a frame from the animation I’m working on, rotoscoped from the same video.