I was out with actor friends last night. I miss being an actor. But I’m doing a reading April 4 at Frost Street. Oh to strut the boards. This vid is an inside joke and mostly just raw. I got home at about 1 and just uploaded it with the Bealtles Revolution 9. Older vid that reverences Ellis Gallagher’s work.

Fuck Off, I Love You from Alex Itin on Vimeo.

Pratt Fall Into Love

Spring sprung for a brief February moment and I decided to run through the Pratt campus. It made me nostalgic for university life and slightly jealous of all the art students who were climbing in trees and building geodesic domes, etc. They have a lot of great public sculpture there and I was surprised by how much of it I’d never seen before. In the studio, I worked on a long parade drawing and the next day the winds came in to town and tried to blow down Brooklyn like an angry wolf. Music is Al Green preaching about love. So happy V. day and you’d better be good to me.

Islam Fashion

Tom And Javier wanted a record of their performance at my 17 Frost Space opening. This is a live recording of their set mixed with some timelapses of opening etc…. more or less the stuff of my Nikon memory card and Saturday’s opening of Aakash Nihalani’s “Space Available” show on Atlantic Street, BK.

The Phonos project a psychedelic caleidoscope program while they perform, so I thought I’d give their performance the same treatment… and Aakash’s windows too and me doing a new long large crowd on craft paper…

The Red Lanterns

Wondered around Manhattan wandering on my way to see Sharon at Washington Irving’s Library to grab what was left of the box of decommissioned Little Prince books (they were heading out to the dumpster before we came up with the idea of using them in art – both the students and me!). It was fun to tour the art studios on the seventh floor where there is a wonderful winter light pouring in. these kids don’t know how good they have it it. I haven’t painted to good natural light since SoHo and even ITIN space was spotty lightwise (not high enough). So in Chinatown I saw this string of red lanterns hanging off an International Style modern bank building and it looks to me now like the binding of a book that attaches the Old World to the new – The East to the West, etc.

Hanging Myself

Not funny really in this time of Infinite Jests, but maybe it is really exactly how I feel. I mean in the sense of eternal return, or Metampsychosis, or however you spell it and whatever Joyce was talking about…. I’m hanging the show. I feel like a worker… in the Marxist sense of that word: working on the ladders with the back into it. I mean to say that hanging a book is a physical act. I’ve been training for it like a boxer at the gym.. but my fucking thumbs are still weak for the push pins and the map pins and the pins and needles and needles and pins…..feel like a carpenter… feel like Christ crucified… stigmata on my thumb. LOL. music here is some odd Brian Wilson post Smile mid mad period song. Fucking lovely and perfect fit for my raw time lapse. More to come…


Another experiment with the glitched camera. This time I placed a layer of plastic wrap over my screen and shot old videos from Vimeo in full screen mode while drawing over them with sharpie markers on the protected screen. I then downloaded the archived films and re edited them. This is a fairly direct response to paintings I went into yesterday. The music here is a remix of Miles Davis and Bill Evans’ Blue In Green.

Conversations With Myself

fragile.gif portmap.jpgRecently, I’ve had cause to want to point out the documentary bits out of my last couple of shows in Portland and New York. They were extruded onto the blog in bits and pieces several months back. I thought it might be nice to have them all together in one entry so that I could just forward that link to people. It becomes something like a four channel video piece if you can play them all at the same time, or a story if you play them in order. The box gif is new.


Somewhere in Istanbul there is a wall around the ancient part of the city. The houses in the city were made of wood and have all rotted away. I suppose it was dry rot as Istanbul looks like the desert and the thing of it is that with out all the little wood houses against the ancient stone walls, the walls have started to lean perilously inward. We are part of a group that go to see the walls before they fall. I think how funny it is to care about the walls, when the city they once protected has already turned to dry rot. I invent a cocktail with milk and some strange exotic yellow liquor. You pour the liquor into the milk and it just gathers in the center of the milk like the yolk of an egg. I call the drink a Humpty Dumpty in honor of the walls of Istanbul.