Delicious Delores Haze

A document of the week so far using a broad brush mash up montage concept. The music is from Richard Young’s Saphie and was sent to my by my friend Dan the day we put my dog down. We listened to it during the last hours of Bailey’s while lounging and time lapsing life until Sly screamed: “What is this music you are playing!? Does it have to be so FUCKING sad!?” I think I put the Beatles on. They are good for most any occasion if currated properly: Across the Universe…. was the last song she heard from S.’s iphone, while playing fetch and rolling in the grass…. but I digress.

Anyways the Poem is actually Vladimir Nabokov himself reading Humbert’s Love Poem to a rapt audience… Boy can that fucking Russian read. He sounds like Welsh poet. To think that English is maybe his third language? I found it somewhere online and there’s a clip from an Italian dubbed version of Kubrick’s Lolita with James Mason (youtube)… I was looking for Mason’s reading of the first page of the Novel. There is a recording of him that I used to have on cassette. He did it brilliantly. Titles abound: Lolita 2000, Fire, Catch A Fire, Bailey’s Building and Loan, Humbert’s Butterfly, Kubrick by Brick…. I could go on, but in the interest of brevity a shall relent.

Red writing is from Paris 1998, in a cafe, trying to remember the opening page of Lolita… and failing.