Humpty Dumpty

Fridge Doors going up to form The Endless Last Supper… two left to finish in the puzzle… Something like Stone Hendge and I hung a large crowd and lost my balance on the irregular floor and had a great fall. It was like something out of a silent movie, or a cartoon. It felt like I hung in the air for a minute… disbelieving in gravity. Video Coming

Frost Bite That Chicken

Here is the updates from Friday’s Frost Space time lapses mixed with a Mingus song by way of Dylan’s old satellite radio show. Eat that chicken yes! Also some motion graphics made by a student of Golan Levin. The Eater is eating all sorts of heads I made over the years that they got off Flickr. I find this one thematically appropriate to the the first course of Frost Street… Food from the fridge… or whatever it is: Revenge Served Cold? Also a dead white pigeon I saw under the BQE on the way to the studio. Looked like an angel, or a Nationalist Seal….

Music Between Galleries

Music Between Galleries. from Alex Itin on Vimeo.
A remix of yesterday’s post… this focusing on live music I caught while running around to lots of art last week. The original video description: Ran around to see lots of art this week… Manhattan on Thursday, Bushwick on Saturday, Bburgh on Sunday, but I tried to take a second to smell the music. The piano is from a screening at Bushnik space, where someone installed a sodium vapor lamp that takes a few minutes to warm up and then blinds the room. They showed a couple of my vids and a bunch of other great stuff. The guitarist I saw at the Metropolitan stop. And here is the sort of Mystery Science version of Eat A Bug and me at Coney.


While the blog was down, Justin Ho visited from Minnesota and I showed him around New York on a couple of long photo Safaris. Here are a couple of vids we made together. Two years ago we collaborated at a distance on this short film:

die Alpen Lumen from eat a bug on Vimeo.

When I Paint Over My Masterpiece

Took down the Reading Room show on Tuesday. It was the end of something and I carried the whole show in two hands like a Salesman with Samples and got home to see the beginning of something else. Death of a Salesman, Birth of a Nation, etc.


maskhat2.jpgmaskhat.jpg There was supposed to be a closing party for reading room last night, but turn out was slim and I got stuck in the beauty that is Park Slope on Halloween. It’s the one Holiday we can all agree on. God bless the dead, etc. We went as an unfinished painting.

The End is Nigh

endnigh.jpgThis is the last week of my show “Reading Room” at USSA. You can make an appointment and visit all week, or we’ll be having a closing party Friday, Oct. 31st: Halloween, from 6-9… Stop by before haunting the rest of the night.

Here’s a little time lapse and some stills from last friday when some friends stopped by for a visit. Sound track is the Rev. Al Green talking and rehearsing. I made this post on a sunday… and for me…Al Green is a church I can get along with.

Walking Home

Went on a epic walk home from 34th street. The whole city lit up electric as the sun set and CMJ is in town so all down Bowery I saw the guitar carrying hipsters and rock and roll chicks with leather and lipstick and cigarettes dangling on line to get into this or that party and hear these and those bands. None of that could be as good as the view from the bridge. Glorious.

Other Green Worlds

parisballs.jpgWhen I came back from Paris in 1998, I brought with me a stack of drawings and paintings and two gifts for Sylvie; an antique green glass fishing net float and and an antique green boule ball. I told her they were new green worlds, but of course they were also a joke about potency and my balls. She said to me, “You go to Paris and bring me back green balls? Why couldn’t you have gotten me a hand bag?” It’s just like a woman. You offer her a metaphor for your manhood and she demands a metaphor for the womb. You can’t win. But it’s fall again and the Osage oranges are falling in the park. I saw them yesterday on a long run, but everything had been smashed by a mower, or malevolent children. I ran back this afternoon on way to the vet for more dog drugs. I could only find two and it put me in mind of Paris.parisballs2a.jpg