Reading Room


I will be filling four walls with a floor to ceiling installation of images extruded over the last several years for the Art Blog: IT IN Place:

The work will include drawings and collage made over the pages of Fluxus, Time Life Collectibles, and Ulysees. A selection of animations and experimental videos will be projected into the grid of pages.

The Opening is Friday September 26th from 6:00 to 11:00 at USSA Fine Arts which is located in Willamsburgh Brooklyn, right along the Williamsburgh Bridge, between Bedford and Berry Avenues:
109 South 5th Street #204
Brooklyn, NY
718 305 1676

There will be live music and refreshments. I hope to see you there. The installation will be up for about a month. Please forward the invite to anyone you think might be interested.



The Dark Side of the Loon

darksundry.gifThere was a rainbow around the moon tonight at ten and I ran up to the roof to watch the lunatic clouds flowing by all back lit in a Pink Floyd prism and I was thinking about Rick Wright dying and David Foster Wallace hanging himself from the end of an infinite jest and the stink of sepsis fills the house from the necrotic tumor of my slowly dying dog and it was another day at the vet with free falling finance and the threat of reemergent Republicans buzzing in my ear from my little A.M. radio I use to keep my self from going insane, or it’s opposite. So I thought of the Organ opening to Us and Them from the Dark Side of the Moon and decided to share it with you. A little memorial service from the cathedral of cold front clouds.


Abstract timelapse of the rainy weekend.



Just a little documentation of the show at Monkeytown and some drawings I started at Galapagos last week and finished yesterday in the studio. We showed Orson Whales on an i-phone propped on the bar and then played with two channel projection in the back room. It’s nice to have little souvenirs of late nights.

Once Upon A Time

dylan.jpgDylan Played Prospect Park in Brooklyn. He sounded pretty good and I enjoyed how he works the key boards these days.
Spent a lot of yesterday watching Renaldo and Clara on You Tube. In the way it uses music and reality and fiction and improv and documentary it feels like online video long before there was such a thing. I’m so glad to have found it after all these years of wondering. I even like how it’s divided up into 53 sections by someone called Kafka 05. Poetry is a virus.