Which Starts Out As A Kiss….

I was sitting on the toilet yesterday trying to pass something that didn’t feel like excrement so much as an angry snarling black dog – a demon wolf, or a great angry sadness called despair. I reached in back of me for the scroll off paper on the tank and found instead The Oultaw Bible of American Poetry. I opened it up to this Jim Carrol poem for Kurt Cobain. Rather than read it, I washed myself and went into the Hobbit House had Dave crank up the P.A. and read the poem aloud to Natalie and Foxy Lady. So what you hear is the first time I ever read this poem. Forgive me the screw ups… I’m going to try to read it again at open mics on Sunday… and I may keep changing this as the Zipperhead animations come on line. This is only a mash up test.