Opportunity Frost Bit

Knocked up another large paper and ink drawing at Frost Street and then Alex, the drummer for Sine Parade showed up to practice his drums in the theater. Christ can that guy drum. My neighbor’s kid is back from college and so even at home I am living with drums all the time and then the pile drivers banging away next door at the construction site… Rhythm of life is banging on and i’m trying to bang out some paintings. I did a diptych with gloss enamel and painter’s caulk on some old oil paintings I found in the trash a few months back. I like to build my dreams on the broken dreams of others…It’s the American way….LOL weep LOL.

Also I’ve been playing with installation and making new works to tie up the old works. The skull is my memento mori I made on day one… it is a painter’s tradition to make a death painting to guard the studio from death… like a gargoyle or a feng shuai mirror….or a pug dog, or a gun, or whatever.