Divine Comedy

Ezeakeal for Stanely Kubrick mixed media on canvas ITIN(work in progress)

I’ve been working pretty hard on editing my little study in Orange. Christo, Jean and Claude (they are the trinity: father, mother, super ego). I had a sighting of Jean Claude in the snow and I got her orange hair in the movie. Orange is the big fashion statement now.

Editing a movie always gets me thinking about Stanley Kubrick. Also I have A Clock Work Orange on DVR….So I am watching small bits of it and it keeps me very humble about my stupid I-MOVIE. But I believe in Dumb Angles and I heard someone calling the gates a big SMILE. So all this has me thinking of late modernism and the dream of the sixties…..and these loones who keep banging there head against the wall untill the wall moves.

Editing the film I started to see the gates as notes of music,pages of a book, frames of film, ancient city gates, Kong’s gate, the set for Intolerance and Gone With The Wind, and then finally protest placards. It is as if Art went on Strike and decided to protest in the park (like we all tried to do during the Republican Convention). In some ways it is just a stroll in the park, but I like to think of it as a march. A Parade. A happy protest. A turn towards revolution. Mona Lisa’s Smile.


Here is a strange “accident” from the New York Times Week In Reveiw. The drawing by Francis Crick of the structure of DNA echoes an illustration from the Op Ed page on the reverse. Some how the spiral of life is perfectly aligned with a missle depicting the new members of the a-bomb club (North Korea, Iran, Israel, etc.) I am interested in accidental collisions of images that seem to inform each other.

What’s it saying? Is the code of self destruction written in us?




Allowing these accidental revelations is one of the more interesting things about combining multi media elements.

eggman, ink on postcard ITIN ’05