Kurosawa In Paris

Willoughby (still – video over ink drawing) work in progress ©ITIN
Promenade ©ITIN

Painting for Kurosawa Akira.jpg
Painting for Akira Kurosawa ‘O3 75″x90″ oil on canvas (Munshani Collection)

Willoughby wakes up and Willoughby hears Dexter Gordon and Willoughby says: “I don’t want to die.”

When the girlfriend left for work, I flipped from the news to see what I could hear (morning being a great time for music videos). Round Midnight was on somewhere and so our man in Paris serenaded me up and down and in and out of dreams to where the wild things are….I mean I kept falling asleep during the dialogue and waking up for the extended performance sequences (that dream band with Herbie Hancock on piano). When I’d finally decided to truly get up and make the coffee, I was thinking about how Round Midnight is one of the few films that actually stops doing its narrative work long enough to let a full on improvisational jazz performance happen….I have at times been in different places with this film: like this morning where I was more interested in the music and other times where I was more interested in the characters. It struck me that one should be able to make a thing that could be a song, or a story depending on the whim of the reader…..or sleeper. Like some one at Basel Fasnacht choosing which pied piper (or drummer) to follow through the three a.m. ancient alleys.

I’d been staring at the orange gates (editing video and shooting and walking more) that it was nice to see the color contrast blue of Paris. Never was there a bluer city…..not even blue Hawaii (though I’ve been blue in both). I’d been watching the street sweepers suck up the drifts of confetti from the Basel streets. The only thing more depressing than the end of carnival, is watching the end of a carnival you weren’t at. There is something however in the ability to wander Fasnacht by web cam (ten nodes) and Christo’s gates that seems useful to the creation of an e-book.

I’ve been pondering the gates as pages, or nodes (chapters in a TK3 book?). I have a feeling that the expeience of them may lead to some solution as to how to make a multiple stream narrative. This may be very helpful in Making Om Egg and possibly even Willoughby.
