Thinking of Airplanes


I spent a lot of time last night watching Bergman films and thinking about a visual sequence for the first hub story. I think of this first story as a small test beta to see if it is worth doing the whole hub memoir in Sophie. It has to do with flying and landing and the little bar that I went to in Paris that seemed like the center of things and was called hub and gave me the title. So maybe this first story is like a title page… or title sequence… or preface, or preamble, or something. I would pause the film (Smiles on a Summer Night) and story board a few frames and then press play, etc. I am imagining the visuals based off an old gif animation I did two years ago. It popped into my head after I watched the video below. I think my sequence could really take advantage of the layering possibilities in a Sophie book. We’ll see.

Flying from Sam Fuller on Vimeo.