The Floating Brothel

A quick view of some footage Maria and I shot last night of the play Floating Brothel at Galapagos Art Space. We haven’t edited all the footage yet, but I wanted to upload a few minutes of the opening act. (you can sign up for email notices on the next performances at this website.

Floating Brothel
Created by Megan Campisi, Loren Fenton, Kevin Lapin, Liz Vacco and Ben Vershbow
Performed by five actors on a 3 x 6 platform, the epic tale unfolds in a radically reduced space that functions as a camera lens, enabling cinematic shifts in time, scale and location. Through the course of an hour, using only their bodies and a handful of props, the ensemble creates myriad characters and locales, transforming the raw platform into the bustle of London, the din of the courtroom, the dank bilge of the ship, and the rolling expanse of the ocean.