Fern Dale

And the blooming in the booming of all summer long about the roof all painted Warhol factory silver
and we cooked meat or forgot to cook it
and the rain came
and the sky exploded.
recent variations on the trees I’ve been working on for a few weeks… often with the kids from the neighborhood painting under trees. This old one got a Spanish Rose.

Kodachrome Nikon Daze

the animated bunny is from Brian Raszka for The Library Project. The first image is of my archive under my house in CT where all the old days are stored… outdoors… it’s a long story… you should read the old days of the blog, etc…. anyways I made that shit to last and last they shall and fuck time and fuck space and rain and….

gee don’t I sound like king lear?

Well a house devided, etc.

Cloudy Thoughts

I was going up to the Library by way of the park when thunderheads rushed in out of nowhere and ended a mess of kid’s field trip and a giant spike of electricity crashed down against the trees and it felt in the air and in the noise and in the light of it all like the end of the world. It got me thinking about armegeddon and this image of Hoover by Charles Mingus III that I’ve been wanting to share with you (follow the link to see more of his amazing work in various media). It also reminded me of this waking dream I had during the insomnia of La Rienne A Vegas weekend. I wrote it down in a red crayon at dawn.
Orson Whales is being featured on The Daily Reel and is well passed the 70,000 hits mark on Vimeo. Must try to get it screened somewhere in Hi Def.

Super 8 Days And Confused

I recommend trying to play these together and act as VJ with sound and vision:

Back ground on this is a school reunion where Jimmy Cole and I made our first super 8 films. I was the fat kid, Jim was the cripple, or gimp, … or whatever you want to call it. He was born with all his innards on the outs. If not for the surgeons coming back from Nam with the quick fingers to resect bowel…he was dead then.

Now every year since (past forty now) is a struggle to keep his guts going. He has a lot of guts, even if its less that you and me. He really risked his life rolling down that hill. Jackass eat your fucking heart out. John our “driver” choral driector was also an actor in that first film, the long lost “Big Mac Attack”.

JeZeus Is Gonna Be Here and Be Misunderstood

remains of the day: filet mignon barbqed on the roof with the crystal hammer 1990 Vouvray (of which we scored two cases for a lot of money, but a bargain at any price). A meal fit for murder and singing soprano simone who waits on Zeus.

And with my Gowanus run and greasey fingers I find that
All the world is an oil slick
which is to say a sort of cracked mirror
by which to reflect our polluted lives,
but my Jeseus gonna be here, he gonna be here soon
with a great golden shot gun
he gonna shoot out the fuckin’ moon
He gonna cover my head in red Poppies
and Blanket of pure yellow sonSUN
and then he’s gonna open up the back
of that gold Chariot Cadillac
And ride me up to the great gig in the sky
Where I’m gonna get God drunk on sweet Irish whiskey
‘Till he pisses on the world so hard
you’d swear that thunder bolt bastard
was the devil
cause he is.
I mean the arrongant fuck claims to be “All Things”
So he should own evil too,
but he wakes up on Sunday and can’t recall a thing
and Ezekial and Noah are whispering in the pews
about the hookers and all that coke
and of course the pissing.

There was a sign on the door that said: “Jesus was here, but sometimes he comes late… like around ten o’clock. But Jesus says not to worry. He will always come to take the trash out.”

I took this sign as a sign, because, of course that’s exactly what it was… you know something to read, telling you about the trash… but still, it’s good to know that Jesus is coming, even if late, and that he’s got the trash covered. So I got that going for me… etc.