Time (Well Spent)

Yesterday was a strange and wonderful fluke. Palm Sunday, April Fools, Pasover, firs day in baseball season, and first day of spring. Partly inspired by Orson Welles, the better half and I decided to taste white wines. As tempting as the vintage Dom Perignon sitting in the fridge was to me (aaaaaaaaaaaah the French Champagne), we went rather towards a Gewurtztiminer from Alsace Lorraine (sweent Low Rain low rain….lorraine) and Burgundy Chablis. We watched a dvd of Avatar (our new favorite t.v. show by way of the cutest buddhist) and ate cheese and Chacuterie. It was decadent and terribly Pagan. The music is Bowie from Aladdin Sane and is just a remix of the last vlog.