Once More Into The Breach


Franscesco writes: “A part of my books was in a cellar, in 1991 when the Seine has owerflowed. Sometimes, I discover one …
Une partie de mes livres étaient entreposés dans une cave en 1987 quand la Seine a débordé. Parfois, j’en retrouve un … ” which seems to put Dylan Thomas in to the dialogue nicely with this Library start and a finished collab from Sonja’s start.

The flukes flapping in this manner, makes me think that M. Tristan is about to launch into a discourse on French Indochina and Diem Bien Phu and the sixties in general. It might sound something like Apocalypse Now Redux’s Plantation scene, or one of countless discussions I’ve had with French men over the years who are old enough, or interested enough to remember that history.