Awake The Whale Willoughby


Willoughby wakes up and Willoughby says, “Call me Willoughby.”
I’ve decided that Ishmael is Phil Willoughby, the star of Arc Along The Watchtower and OMegg is about his brother Patrick.

I’m playing around with the notion of the narrator (which is I suppose me as I’m narrating now). This little scene is Ishmael, or Phil Willoughbe having a sleeples dream night with all the world rushing buy as he openes and closes his eyes. Guess he’s got a lot on his mind. Guess he’s got a lot to get off his shoulders. He alone is left to tell the tale.

I stumbled onto anew video player (as I’m always running out of room on Vimeo). This one is called Veoh and it’s a beta. Pretty, I think and it allows me to abutt video with stills and gifs like vimeo does and all the others don’t. So My new back up player, I think.

In ego news, a music video of mine is on the Daily Reel Top Ten and last but certainly not least, here is a beautiful deadly daisy/ collageoscope collab from the Library where Sonja actually wrote some dialog for the characters (which I’ve been remiss in doing)… it may be hard to read, so I might transcribe later.