Fin, or True Faux, or Fin Flukes, or Day For Night, or Dough Fin, or This is the End, or Doors in a Wall, Apocalypse Wow, or "But What I Really Want To Do Is Direct", or I Could Go On and On…

The characters are on set… We’ve got some rinky dink stack of cardboard dressed up as a Chalet and we’re shooting day for night. The problem with cinema is the problem of painting is the problem of fiction in genaral: IT’S ALL PHONY.

It’s a lie; a big non truth … albeit with the proviso that it tries to illuminate the truth… it is lying to get at the truth. Much of the avante garde practice I am interested in, is an attempt to tell the truth from start to finish… to avoid illusions and subterfuge (but often you end up avoiding the audience too which seems to like a good lie now and again), but we are more or less at the finish… the end of the line; the zed to the A; the omega to the alpaha; and so we start where the blog began two years ago:

“Silence,” Yells the assistant to the director. “Quiet Everyone… this is a Take”

The Characters are behind us: Alexandre and Sylvie (or was it Pat and Katherine, or just he and she?) and M. Tristan waiting in the wings.


The Ghost walks before the lens like Disney on the “Wonderful World of…” and speaks:

“Ladies and Gentlemen I give you: OMegg!”
Not much of an introduction, to be sure, but tonight is all hollow‘s eve and hollow things have a way of bobbing to the surface, like the ghost-white whale rising up from the lower depths to breach and blow and sing and sink again in the dark.