Joyce And The Piano For Cats And Cogs And Typing On It Too


Here is another image from The Library posted by Battaolo a Brit living in Barcelona. You know how they say that a thousand monkeys sitting at a thousand typwriters will eventually write Ulysees and so I suppose that a thousand cats running on a thousand pianos will eventually run Bach, but Szentjoby begs the question, what if you had a thousand monkeys typing on a piano… What do you get then? I imagine you get something like The Library Project.
This is working as my favorite film transition: a slow dissolve between the Fluxus Codex and The Library Project. They, like Lolita are starting to talk at the tip of the toungue to pronounce tappingly on the teeth a T sound…like a typewriter (we are up to Yasunao Tone in the codex for aliteration fans)