Laughing It All Away (or Elegy for the Spanish Republic)


The whole thing ended in dancing and Sophy went to dip and Tom dropped her on the floor with the cat and she started sneezing like a bell chiming right at midnight and we were all laughing untill it stopped at twenty one… and we had one more Guiness and Tom sat down on the couch and closed his eyes and whispered to me, “Could you get these people out of my apartment please… I want to sleep” and Sophy blew her nose and crawled up the loft ladder and lay down, but Tom stayed on the couch where Sylvie kissed him once goodnight on his smiling bald head and then I started hearding the hangers on like cats out the “Get Smart” labyrinth of doors and stairs and more doors and more stairs, till the unruly crowd hit the sidewalks and burst like a breaking beer bottle – going off in all directions. A few of us climbed up the hill past the Gothic arches of the great bridge towards the 2 and 3 and you could hear all of New York like the white noise buzz after the bells have all rung.


The other Tom was talking about Italy and the wine and the Italians in California and how they’d brought all that Viticulture with them and I went off on the German Barbarians and their Beer and how the fithy drunken hoard had brought down the whole fucking empire with all it’s arches and aquaducts and roads. we went off on the merits of wine and beer and the other Tom walked by yelling, “UP THE IRISH!”


I was thinking about George Macuinas and all his Atlases and I thought it would be interesting to see one that traced the flow of wine and beer and hempf and I thought of all those Nazis fighting in the Spanish Civil War and painting Guernica with chordite and iron. Did they bring their own beer? I’ve never tried Spanish Cervesa…only some from their colonies in Mexico and Peru, etc. Did the Spanish have hashish with all those Muslims there? Some one should draw a map.
