In Xanadu Did Kubli Khan A Stately Pleasure Dome Decree (or Keep On Rockin' In The Free World)

What is history? What do we think about during this WWI based holiday? First I recommend you read Hemmingway’s In Our Time and then I suggest you ponder the notion of lost generations, cause we’re sort of sitting on a potential one…
… I took the road less traveled, and that has made all the difference…

Now I am a student of military history, as much as I can be… and partly because I felt my Liberal, Brown, Ivy League education sorley lacked the basics of what has really gone down in the world… and it is nearly memorial day and I do respect and honor the men and women who have fought and died for this great experiment in governmet, but I would like to take this day before memorial day to honor those who didn’t go… the peacenicks, hippies, quacker oats, real Christians, Mohammud Ali, Kent Staters, and whoever else…. Today should be your day… You are also great patriots and we need your kind now. Which is not to put shit on our boys… it is to tell them what they are fighting for and to tell them that sometimes you must ask the question: “What if they held a war and no one came?”
This guy’s 5th avenue door has showed up several times on my blog… and like a jerk, I never noticed this metal thing on the sidewalk… I saw the swastika and started to shoot it and then noticed the color paint and thought, “Shit man, that’s the same color as the lune with the door and I turned around and saw the famous door…” This is the thing I love about 5th Ave. as it is now… I see something new and show you it every day… Will they turn it into Disney land? Can someone do that, in good concience, to Brooklyn?
I don’t know, but I’ve been walking around my neighborhood and noticing that it seems mixed race central… it is what your Southern Big Daddy warned you about… not so much Tennessee Williams Mendacity, as Uncle Hitler’s Miscegenation… God bless it, you never saw so many beautiful kids with the culture/DNA to go forward towards GRAY…. but still, could you belive the beauty and the beast motiff of East meets West?
Well Indy 500 is coming up with a chick driver so hot in all respects, that it is beating the dull and terribly American stock NASCAR scene. If you are going to race cars people, race hot good looking cars… with hot good looking drivers… male or female… Think Paul Newaman, etc. Some day baby we’re going to leave this town, so strap your hands cross my engines, etc… I like this Austin Healey cause as a kid, I had a Chorgi toy of the Bond car given me by my God mum, who also put me on Concorde… Speed and family and God.
Tramps like us, baby, we have decided to run…