Across The Universe (or New old Paintings)

Electric Sumo, ITIN (mixed media)
White Phospherous Tracing, calk and chinese ink on canvas, ITIN ’05
Pollokcodex, mixed media on panel, ITIN ’05

I’ve got some sort of four year old plague from the cutest buddhist. So I’m doing shots of Tussin and lemon juice with pediatric Tylenol to cut the ache and pain. Dammn…. Is this shit actually leagal?

Laurie Anderson’s voice is Haunting me (as it has for years):

Full Fathom Five
They Father Lies
Of his bones are coral made
Those are Pearls that were his eyes
Nothing of him that doth fade
But that suffers a Sea Change
Into Something Rich and Strange
And I alone am left to tell the tale
Call me Ishmael

I expect her to show up in pimped out red ElCimino any moment.