Smiley Smile (or Add Some Music To Your Day)

Spinner Face, Krista Grauer, ’03 (S. Choi Collection)

“You’re sitting in a dentist’s chair, and they’ve got music for you there to add some music to your day… ” – B. Wilson.

I had strange and woderful conversations yesterday with my brother Christian, Marie-Pierre Nakamura, Kate Rothschild, my attorney, and Allan Stone.

The atheist Christian was in Calli at some experiential education conference. He was in a good mood and chatty and (in true big brother didactic professorial know it all form) correcting my timeline on the old man’s death. Relativity and relatives… Time and space are what you make of them.

Allan had some oral surgery and is now regretting it. He came down with the big C right around the time my dad was dying. Allan chose the road less traveled and believe me, it has made all the difference…ie. he’s alive.

I’m still convinced that it was a route canal that killed the old man. I’m praying that Allan is on top of the crystal bugs that escape with serious tooth work…

I suggest listening to Coltrane, or Monk, or whatever lifts your immune system, but for sure: add some music… kick it root down… doctor Alex’s orders.

Dead Nature with Little Soldiers, ITIN/CHOI ’05