She Had A Horror of Rooms (or The Memphis Blues Again)

Ben sent a link to me in the comments on European History part 1 to a great Borges piece,The Library of Babel. While I have a small familiarity with Borges, I hadn’t encountered his library idea… yet somehow he describes what I’ve been thinking about for many years (must be that ideas, like language are viral… and books are a sneeze and I caught hexagons from bucky). Here look at this cross section of a lotus stem:
Where as before I had only seen an annoying brand name boot bag that my sweetie spent far too much money on, now I see a model for infinity and multipath narrative structure. Thank you Gucci. The hexagonal scales fall from my eyes. They say the full moon is a traditinal time of revelation and at 4:00p.m. we go full. In the words of OZZY: “Bark at the Moon.”

This said: I woke up at 5:30 this morning with a large railway spike stuck into my left brain. It took asprin, advil, and finally aleve to end this migrain (amd its still floating on the horizon). I don’t know how people live in chronic pain. I become a scary monster. I’ve been yelling at my dog all morning… she likes to follow me from room to room, but today her little claws on the wood floor sound like nails on a black board.