An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge
Ambrose Bierce, 1890
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Part 1: “A man stood upon a railroad bridge in northern Alabama…”
Part 2: “Peyton Farquhar was a well to do planter. . . .”
Part 3: “As Peyton Farquhar fell straight downward…”
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Part 1: "A man stood upon a railroad bridge in northern Alabama..."
21st Century Collaborative Literacies | Connor's Teaching Certification Blog says:
[...] literacy of our students but can be adapted to literary analysis through CommentPres
General Comments
Eugene Mannacio says:
This film, which was shown by Rod Serling as part of the Twlight Zone series, utterly fail
Part 1: "A man stood upon a railroad bridge in northern Alabama..."
Rebecca Holmes says:
Why does Farquhar have that silly music-playing watch in the film? It must have been trend
Part 3: "As Peyton Farquhar fell straight downward..."
Kelly Askew says:
I think that this video is such a stark contrast to the previous videos. Unlike the other
Part 3: "As Peyton Farquhar fell straight downward..."
Kelly Askew says:
I also think the lack of songs and talking really add to this video. I mean the only soun
Wikipedia (film)
Wikipedia (story)
Table of Comments (532)
by commenter
21st Century Collaborative Literacies | Connor's Teaching Certification Blog
Alex Lowe
Amanda Dworaczyk
Christina Piacquadio
Colin Smith
Colleen Lonac
Craig Golden
Dan Byrnes
Daniel Thaller
Emily Koballa
Eugene Mannacio
Finding and Using Moving Images In Context | Structure: Book/Film/Text
Graham Billings
Jonathan Kapp
Jordan Johnson
Kaitlyn DeVoe
Kelly Askew
Lacy Green
Michael Willis
Mimi Antonecchia
Perception and Consciousness
Rachel Shocket
Rebecca Holmes
Soham Joshi
The Film and Story
The structure of the story/film: flashbacks and the passage of time
Time and Reality
Zhenya Kaliberova
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