Filter Feeder

Been managing so much info from the gopro and sony that is very difficult to color compress without making duplicate files and filling up my strainting hard drive…. so long story short, I thought I’d try some of Vimeo’s new “instagramstyle” filters for video.  THere are a  lot of options and I am lazy, but I like the saturation and contrast on this filter.  What say you, dear reader?

The Anxiety of Influence

munshani codex 2 late 90's book pages

munshani codex 2
late 90’s book pages

Running around looking at street art in a new way after all that schoolin’ by ellis g.  Also hanging out with Yoav as the street artists pick up their work from the OUT Door Gallery NYC group show to celebrate the publishing of his book of the same name  Also available at Strand and many of New York’s finer Museum gift shops, so next time you exit through said such same, pick up a copy.  It is a beautiful book full of great documentation of New York’s best street art murals, etc.  If you are a New Yorker there will be one or a hundred of your personal favs.  Also I watched Apox again.  PBR street gang.  Bravo rodger point 5.

Codex munshani late 90's

Codex munshani
late 90’s

A Soft Machine


We had a soft opening for Cage and Uncaged last night.  Some of my favorite Street Artists came by and borrowed the remaing cans of paint to knock up on a discarded matress from the luxury condo building next door.  I told Javi who did what and gave him my leather man to cut out the muslin…. I said do what you will, but I’m not touching a matress…. I got bud bug bit once in Reno and I won’t suffer if for art, money, or love.  Viva Slepton!  Viva BAM!


Last of a Dying Breed

Vito and friends eat up Williamsburg and environs. Music is a couple of guys playing banjo and fidel from across the tracks at the Metropolitan stop on the L and G. It really created a great vibe. Folks were dancing with eachother from platform to platform. NY is nice in the fall sometimes.

Without Memory

Brooklyn rising up in ocean purple fiction, crossing detail.
The Waitress smiling, hopping, hoping sangria slice.
Step branching around when spoken needles speak cannibal –
Entranced by Princess and a pea.
Flocking scribbles running wishbone assembly.
Light Hanging on drop gas.
Steeple steeple shinning, houses ghost story.
Brick and maple divinity lost glasses.
Signs, paintings, trophies spinning softly tulips.
Tiger running out minimal mash up detour.
Orange star dragon mountains –
Refined big bananas bloom pink fur phone reflection.
Wash hair enclosed chess horse zebra.
Zuzu’s Petals, missing lock sprung cat.
Stuffed school sport trees willing into existence perfect living guns and butter –
Reminds distressed turkey turning bananas.
Inflates power lit large.
Piped pitched paper bag lion remembers saying nothing and hoops the fix.
Spiral seeking one thousand parapets.
Ulysees granted sirens.
Bather hunted haunted rising setting rising out of piled out blue.
Held onto patiently – meeting wiggers becoming without memory