Future Time Before


We met the other night at the Institute to discuss the upcoming relaunch of the blog. Some of the discussion turned technical (which is to say over, or under, or around my head) so I started shooting things. Later, the evening devolved into food and drinks and jazz at Zebulon where we got onto a wide ranging discussion of politics, digital media, dj culture, and life during wartime. The animation is from the note book we used to illustrate our points, or lack there of. There was also a lo of prat falls and slap stick which only further convinced me that digi cinema needs its Buster Keaton.

Posted in 911

Persia Major

Last night I dreamt that I was Dick Cheney’s house guest. He was very solicitous and kept apologizing that his other guests were all from the Heritage Foundation, or some other right wing think tank. He would say: “I really wanted to make sure that there would be some liberals here too, but it just worked out this way. I don’t want you to think I only socialize with conservatives. I have all sorts of friends.”
I told him it was not a problem and he shouldn’t worry about it, but all through the dream he kept coming up to me to make sure I had found the food, or the bar, or whatever and apologizing about all the conservative guests. It was then that I knew, he only ever had conservative guests to his house and that apologizing about it was his way of making me feel awkward and an outsider, but he did it so subtly and with such a smile on his face, that it almost amused me.

La Femme Qui Reve


While she sleeps the steam hisses from the radiator and in her dream it is the sound of ocean wind in the leaves of three palm trees by the pool…. or tell me what you think.

painting in a book cover for the Library and a painting on a jewelry box.

Leave A Stone


I went to the memorial/bash/wake… I don’t know what to call it… for Allan Stone last night. It was a fairly joyous event as far as anyone can be joyous around the subject of death. There was a lot of laughter. Still, walking home in the fridgid city, I couldn’t help but feel a real sense of loss and a sense of my own mortality. He bought the first painting I ever sold… I think twenty years ago. It seems impossible.

The drawing is a collage from the drawings I made for the video.

Before And Aftermation

Seems odd given my love of gifs, but no one in the Library has done this obvious gif trick till now. This is Brian Razska finishing my starts. By making an animated gif out of the two stages, Brian lights the way towards a kind of narrative… a motion picture palimpsest . I hope others will play with this idea…. one of my hopes has been that The Library would start becoming a sort of animation bee (like a quilting bee)… ending up with something usable for OMegg.

Post Festive


Every year my friends Tom and Sharron have a party on Superbowl Eve. It is more or less a recap of the December and January parties…. only much later. They find a tree at the end of Christmas and keep it up till the party. Santa shows up (he gave out Lotto tickets this year… other years have been cigarettes and airline sized bottles of booze) and at midnight it’s new years again with all the horn blowing and kissing, etc. Then we dance. Sometimes there’s just too many parties during actual Holliday time and it all can become a sort of social chore, but by now everyone is getting depressed and house bound by the cold and just ready for a party again. Plus it’s nice to be a little hung over and nurse the wounds with beer and wings and football the next day.


When the winter finally comes, everything changes. I feel like I’ve been banging my head against a wall all Autumn and the wall is still there, but my damn head has split open and all the happiness and hope and pleasure and desire has fallen on the floor like a broken yolk. The wind comes through the studio windows and the mice chew through the sheet rock walls.

I go down to the bar and the beer helps as long as the money holds out and that’s not very long. I’m drinking Budweiser because it’s cheapest and the guy next to me is drinking Bud too.

“It’s beer at least,” I say to him.
“Right,” he says, uninterested.
“It’s the cheapest stuff here,” I say.
“I like Bud,” he says.
“Have you ever had the real stuff?” I ask.
“I’m having it now,” he says.
I start explaining how the real Budweiser is from a city in Czechoslovakia: Budweis … and is one of the oldest and best Lagers in European history… That’s why the American’s stole the name for this rice and corn beer shit… It’s nothing like the Czech beer which is lagered in enormous pitch lined barrels… full of flavor.
“I like Bud,” he says…. And besides we all rest on the shoulders of giants. A lot of great things were inspired by Europe. You seen that hotel in Las Vegas? Looks just like Venice, but clean and with gambling and strippers. Awesome.”

I start explaining how the name Budweiser has been used for hundreds of years to describe beers from Budwies, but only since Prohibition here. Nobody cared with all the troubles in Europe. It only became an issue since the Iron Curtain fell and the Czech republic looks to export the few things it has to export… which is more or less: beer, vodka, and guns. Anhauser Busch sued them to prevent them from selling their beer under it’s traditional name… “the name they stole. It’s one thing to rest on the shoulder’s of giants, but the reality is that Bud is now the giant and it won’t get off the shoulders of Budweiser… it’s trying to keep them down…. I’d like to live in a world where we all just rest on the shoulder’s of average sized men.”
“That sounds like Communism,” the guy says.
“No that sounds like democracy.”
“Tell the truth. Are you or have you ever been a Communist?”
“No. Just an average sized guy who likes decent beer, but can’t afford it.”
“I’ll buy you a Bud,” the guy says. “It’s decent beer.”
“Why not?” I say.
It’s cold and actally tastes delicious and we talk and drink and smile and later I stumble home half drunk in a whisper of snow. In the morning I’m miserably dry mouthed from the kicking steam heat and the anesthetic qualities of Budweiser.
