The head in the clouds, or rather the head becomes the a cloud. Another from from the animation I’m playing with.
Monthly Archives: April 2013
rough and raw footage…. thought of doing a street live read poem. Magical thinking, mixed with realistic practice.
The Chain Unwindes
Easter Monday
Just the stuff left on the flip from the long winter of working on the Chain video for Donald Johnson. Will puplish that soon.
Things keep getting codified into the opposite of what I wanted from blogging and e publishing in general…. well I’ll have to get over it and see if I can still make some IT IN posts. Right now I have Nostylgia…. which is some sort of graffiti nothingness about dischord as far as I can tell. The video here i just a haze of moments form the year wrapped up to suggest a way of editing a longer movie that seems to have stalled. But we are caged so how do we break out? I don’t know, but, I’m thinkg I finished a short (three month) animation tonight… so life moves on.