Que Serra Serra

serarugus.jpgITIN ’97.

This photo collage is from a portrait series I did of Richard Serra, when he was Installing Torqued Elipses at Go Go‘s in 1997? I think…. I photographed him with an old bakelite Argus camera that I bought for five dollars and a draing in some junk shop in the East Village, drinking while drawing and drinking beer with Richard Heinson and Greg Heines kid (The sculptor not the tap dancer, though they lived in the same building at that West SIde modernnist arits residency that no one ever moves out of, so it has become full of sixties and seventies heavies). They were two guys who Allan Stone had bought and showed in the New Talent shows. Long story short, you could snap the shutter on the arcus without advancing the roll of film. This made for a pleasant insect sound as I shot three to fifity exposures. I t made for beautiful multiple exposures. The video is from a later show in 2001, or 2 from Ali Vs. Frazer elipse. I was meeting with Dave Conrad to discuss doing Arc Aong the Watchtower and get a litttle rough footage. It must have been a couple of weeks after 911, if I’m not nuts.