silver bird book (with my digilayer) from Disposable Seoul for The Library Project.
I met a woman in the Market while looking for the Cow who laughs. She couldn’t reach her olives and wanted to pull down three different cans to check price differences. She must have been eighty or so and like a boy scout, or a knight in shining armor I spent ten or fifteen minutes going through the olives with her. She was hysterical and I’m glad I surreptiously caught some of her voice to share with you… I’d meant to talk about the characters, but let’s just say they are on the train and pulling into the center of Interlaken. Should they go to Geneva to shop? Or Zurich? Or Lucern? I like to think that an old lady has entered the train and she elbows him and he offers to help her hoist the luggage to the rack, but the old lady is disturbed by his crazy eyes, untill she sees Sylvie’s beatific face and realizes that a face like that would never be with a monster and so He hoists the ten tons of gold bricks in an Hermes bag up onto the rack and the lady offers him a chocolate and he declines and she insists and he takes it and they eat the insanely good candy and look out the lovely picture windows as the world whooshes by.