It’s been a crazy weekend in preperation of the national giving of thanks. Actually there is, for the first time in six years, something worth giving thanks for, so we are in a fairly celebratory mood. It started on Friday, when I was at the gym, sitting on the stationary bike (peddaling a bike that goes nowhere always make me feel like I am trapped in burp in the time space continuuum anyway, but…) I happened to be reading this month’s Esquire and there is an article on physics that mentions the Cern Large Hadron Collider that they are building near Geneva. As Arc Along the Watchtower was written as a maping of two bridges, it became suddenly clear, theat the shape of OMegg should be the shape of the Large Hadron Collider… which is in the end more or less the shape of an egg, a small circle (yolk) large circle (egg), etc. So I’ve been drawing images forThe
Library Project all weekend about this idea. Turn.
It’s coming on Christmas and all around us they are hanging the stars and in the chaos I’ve been tyring to trade books with Ben: I wanted to pass along the Guttenberg Swiss Sword Hand and cover for his brother to finish and Ben had found another Moby DIck for me to be able to draw in every page (front and verso) for the Flukes animation. This is something I’ve been a bit worried about taking on, because animation is devilish and time consumng and can turn you into a Nazi (look at Disney, but I digress and prefer the Fleisher Bros. anyway). More was that I couldn’t quite see the shape off the thing in my head and I want it to be something that ties into the Library OMegg concept and yet can still be its own discreet hexagon in the honeycomb…. So long story short, I missed Ben all yesterday as it was a non stop shop (seen in T-Bird Rex) and me like an idiot forgot the cell phone. So today, I agreed to forgo the gym and run down to his place next to my favorite anteanna in all of Brooklyn and the park and Bam and the Williamsburgh bank building (which serves oddly as an oversized steeple to a small gothic church with a wonderful lotus shaped Rose Window, but again I digress)…Running in Brooklyn is odd to me, as so much of the surrounding circles have been mapped in the blog over the last two years and so at some level exist for me as a fictional, or metaphorical space… a picture space. It is to me like running through a novel, or movie… all charged with meaning… I had a small epiphany by the McCathedral. I immediately recorded some notes the second I got back from running while on the way to get some Batman comics for the Nephew (his new obsession after Thomas). Turn.
After the comic store (and comic stores are really filled with the oddest people) we stopped by the mini Green Market on 5th Ave and I’m telling the better half all about my idea of doing a drawing circle at Monkey town where all sorts of N.Y. artists could sort of collaborate on making bits of the Moby Dick animation, while noshing and listening to music and watching movies, etc and how we could film that and it would all be worked into the movie… and she’s all like, “You think a sewing circle is a radical idea?”
“Sort of,” I said and I start telling her about the Cern Collider and string theory and she looks at me like I’m nuts and I start photgraphing the barrels of pickles and when I hit that most german of pickels, the Sauerkraut, Sychronicity by the Police comes on the picklman’s radio. We exchange looks. If there’s one thing Koreans see as significant, it’s pickels. Turn.
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