The hear the singing of birds. I know that they do because of the inordinate number of bird images that have been showing up in The Library. We have here from top to bottom
1 chen yian
2 Bellah
3 farmber bob w/ Driftwould.
4 Thinkmule
5 gundunasu u zeneize
6 driftwould
You must try to imagine these pictures as sounds… sounds of birds, becaues that is what they hear coming through the windows with the light… sound and vision.
She goes to the windows to see them, but she only sees trees and says, “Isn’t it funny how you can hear a bird singing as if in your ear, but it’s always near impossible to spot them.”
“You need birding glasses.”
“Binoculars… birds are surprisingly small with their wings retracted and they sport camoflage…. and you know, live in trees.”
“Not peacock’s … peacocks are flashy… so are roosters……”
“Those are the males…. same with cardianls and ducks and… ”
“Funny how the boy birds get all the finery…”
“Just the opposite of us.”
“I’ll say,” she said. “You’re a slob.”
Stung, he put on some music and went to the closet, where his best (only?) suit hung in a plastic bag. He began to get dressed in the best clothes he had.
“What are you doing?”
“We’re going out.”
“You can’t go bird watching in your suit. I forbid it.”
“We’re going shopping.”
“What’s this?”
“Opposite Day.”
“Give me a second,” she said, fluttering at the drawers and luggage for the perfect shopping outfit.
bird and bean cutting