IF A is for Alphaville than B is for Bergman:Gregory Vershbow provides a haunting coda to todays randomagic. music is Jonathan Richman

“This is so good,” she said, holding flacid flap of yellow at the end of her gesturing fork. “So fucking good.”
“THank you,” he said watching the yellow egg arc and streak like the lit end of a cigartte at night. “I told you I know how to make an omlette.”
“You do you do you do.”
He smiled now and his heart filled up and floated over the seas like the Goddyear blimp.
What’s in it? she asked.
“You know the usual…Eggs, of course, milk, ham, or was it speck, les onions, du fromage…ummm what’s The French for mushroom?”
“I thought that was a specific type of mushroom?”
“I don’t speak French,” she said and parted her lips and did a burlesque of French Kissing. It was meant as a teasing joke, but it still sent a frission of desire down his spine that settled in his lower chakras. Blood began to flow towards his member.
“Anyways….,” he said struck suddenly dumb by lust….”Ummm…. two kinds of Mushrooms.”
“Two?” she said.
“Right we had two kinds in the fridge from the Migros.”
“No I bought one at the migros.”
“Yeah you bought your funny asian mushrooms and I bought cremeni… but what’s fungus among us?”
“I bought cremeni mushrooms,” she stopped and her face went blank and her smile arc fell into a frown arc. “You fucking drunk,stoned idiot….You don’t even know? IDiOT!”
“What are you on about?”
“YOU dosed me. You don’t remember that guy giving you magic mushrooms last night?”
“I wouldn’t let you take them because you were way passed due already…shit, they’re Mexican magic mushrooms…You made us an hallucinogenic omlette”
“You’re mistaken,” he said. “These were in a nice little plastic containnter with brand name and… well it was written in German, or something… ” He grabbed the package.
“Shit, you’re right… they looked like mushrooms.”
“Fancy that,” she said.
“….. people are enitrely too efficient over here. You can’t tell where the food falls off and the pharmachology begins.”
She started laughing and laughing and laughing, “Those bastards really won the House and the Seanate?”
“Yeah. Turn on CNN.”
They watched and drank coffee and slowly the world changed before them.
“Next thing,” she said. “Is to get rid of Rumsfeld.”
Bush’s face came on the television and he looked like worried image of his mother as a drag king.
“Asshole,” they said at the exact same moment.
She laughed and she began to parade around the chalet like a munchkin form Oz singing, “Ding Dong the Witch is dead… which old witch, that rich witch bitch!”
“It’s like beginning of a sea change,” he said staring at the television which went to an image of Rumsfeld.
She marched over to the t.v. and screamed at his face: “You’re going down Rummy…. That gasoline smell in the air…it’s victory!”