This is a map puzzle collab beween me and Me-jade the brilliant Austrailan artist and is part of The Library and on IT IN place. She sent me a sort of folding “puzzle map” that has holes and windows in it and can be foled into many layouts and shapes.. it is like a bark colored crystal of narrative possiblity. When I frist opened the envelope (see video above) I was so enamored of the work that I felt I couldn’t touch it. But when I took it into the studio, I was seized by some spooky energy and went right at it like a mad man and really tackled the book and the two sides of the map puzzle in one marathon session. I tried to keep in mind aboriginal dream paintings and that play/movie On The Beach. You will hear in the video bits of dialogue from some of the prose sections of the blog. This is because I’ve taken to speaking dialogue into the nikon’s voice recording option while walking the dog. Hemmingway always felt that the best words were the one’s you had right when you woke up… but not wanting to make the sick dog wait, I record them peformatively first… and then write them down and really work them later…. Today I was struck by how Nature paints the sidwaks in a very New York School style. Figures. Thinking of this STORY and realizing that todays entry is an expansion of this post: Autumn Rhythim… Remember that all ghosts are actually shaped like soap bubbles.