This bit is a dialogue on the relative aethetic qualities of the Brooklyn and Manahattan bridge… but is silent now due again to music issues… it’s almost pointless to include it, so it’s just here as a place holder in very compressed state…. This is an imperfect beast:
This was a piece I started working on several months before 9/ll… it was meant to be a screenplay sort of based off Ulysees, only in this version I was planning on making the Bloom character sort of a Ghost in a nod to Hamlet… and the two brothers were meant to be sort of B and 2B, who would together (maybe genetically) add up to the third (or second character) the Ghost… or something
Anyways, I was half mad then and in September these assholes flew a couple of planes into a couple of three buildings and there was Anthrax all around and you got this feeling that trying to do something in the conventional way might leave things unfinished…. I mean to say: We Were All Going To Die Any Minute, or so it seemed.
So my buddy Dave Conrad and I decided NOW’S THE TIME to make a movie and he brought his buddy Mark Shwartzbard on board to shoot stuff and we went on the bridge where I’d once seen those twin towers through the Gothic arches and marveled at the brilliant juxtaposition; as if they’d made those towers just to be seen from where I was standing at that exact moment and see New York as the Greatest of Cathedrals. I stood there and drew it in a manic scrawl… (I later used that drawing to pay for a therapy session I couldn’t afford, but desperately needed, but that’s sort of another story) and somehow those two large looming things were gone and so inspired by Kurosawa’s suicide pictures for Ran… I wanted to make the thing some combination of film and drawings about the film and just shoot the one scene I sort of liked….
It was a scene about not saying things… because in life I find most people avoid saying what they want to say…. There was a lot of bullshit chatter… but at moment you can’t hear that because it’s silent (sorry)… it was sort of funny and pathetic.
The origianl version of this was built in Brian Wilson’s (at the time unreleased) SMilLe. I was fairly obsessed with bootleg versions of the album (this version, however, comes off the Good Vibrations Box Set). I stort of tacked it on the thing in i-movie thinking one of my d.j. friends would eventually come up with something else… but it sort fit like magic…. sometimes you have to trust magic…. even if at the moment it’s silent