Stomping Ground

Went careening around B. Burgh Saturday night… catching a fairly opaque show at Monkey Town (though I liked checking out all the bathrooms I hadn’t explored before)… The first part of the show I enjoyed, as it was just ambiant shots taken from Frank Lloyd Wright’s Taliesin West landscape (and I’d spent the day thinking about Wright along with Gehry and drawing a toilet… seems like a theme), but the second piece was a four channel surveillance of an audio art show… so you were watching people listen to a sound installation… Which sounds almost clever, but got sort of dull and opressive… and lets face it the original sound show would qulify as difficult listening… Too many layers of alienation for my taste.
Mercifully, the food was particularly good and so were the drinks and it was sort of interesting to watch the room go from it’s hushed reverential ART mode into something that was alive and loud and competing against the art… in a fine mood we stumbled up to Galapagos where some D.J. was spinning old school funk with heavy metal – so pleasant that I actually had to dance. I forget sometimes how much I like dancing….and there was still ink on the tables from my live drawing days somewhere around the turn of the century…and free Brooklyn Lager… Woke up with the mother of all muscle aches and hang overs and called mom and read the paper and was dumb and happy.