Hidden In Paper

It rained last night and the bark on the trees seemed to come alive this morning. The sap must be starting to run and I was already thinking about paper. Seven pages of Moby Dick crumbled into fragemts in my hand as I drew the birthing woman last night. The shape of fragments seemed echoed in the peeling patterns of the tree bark. A woman walking by in camoflage pants seemed to walk right out of my thoughts because Crosswalk For Shadows And Keys just slipped into the archive.

The Book And Illusions


I’m only on chapter 2 of Paul Auster’s new novel, but I’m already having the strange frission of reading about a place you know in that place you know and walking around in a space between reality and fiction.

Taking a snap of the cover in the place shown on the cover seemed irresistable, but by playing with a few variations, it turned into a meditation on the magic of novels… sort of snatching characters right out of the blue, as it were.

Speaking of books, there’s a nice piece about yours truly at if:book.

The Cars Parked On My Street Are All The Same Only Different


Back on the ground where the rubber hits the road and all discussions of China these days end in the question of cars, so I’m dusting off a trick I once did with a super 8 camera (fifteen years ago for a college art film) and watching people and watching cars is like watching waves: infinite variation and vast sameness. I’m not one of those people who likes looking at cars for a thrill, but I do like the hubs.