The Point Of The Arrow (or You're being followed)


You stand alone among many and you lead the way
Or there is a mob at your back, I’m not certain
Which witch is witch is where…
But you are alone
Among many

streatched a wall full of canvas and drew another mob and large bridge scene. My studio mate just told me she is off to Israel with her husband.

When I first met her, she said, “My name is, “Dalit.”
“What?” I said.
“Delete,” She said. “If you want to remember me, Just think of what you do on the computer when you make a mistake: Delete.”
“Dalit… what is that Greek?”
“Israeli,” She said.
And I was thinking “Of course… the land of mistakes. A delete button would come in handy there.” I was also thinking it sounded ominous what with the numbers of Israelis and Palestinians being deleted all the the time, but I didn’t say that. I just nodded as she talked about how life in Israel is crazy and seems like it will never get better and so she is glad to be in New York.

I was thinking, “Life in New York is getting kind of crazy too.”

Anyway, She’s going to the Kibbutz where she was raised to retrieve old films for a mixed media installation she’s doing in September. The kibbutz is right near the Gaza strip area… The recent rocket attacks have been near her parent’s home and now there are mobs of conservatives protesting the scheduled transfer of land to the Palestinian Authority.

I told her and her husband to be safe and the husband said, “We should be safe, there are twenty thousand soldiers where we’re going. The problem is getting through the crowd of them,” and he made a gesture like swimming, or like Moses parting a sea of green.

I said, “Crowds of soldiers don’t seem to help much in Iraq.”

He shrugged.

That was what we were talking about as I drew this mob scene. It was hot and the G train went crazy and I walked half the way home to avoid the impossible connections. I felt like smoke rising up into the summer sunset…making the light just a little more violet.