All through the hot and humid park, the petals were falling and the perfume wafting and bees buzzing. It made you remember you are alive and you sweat and smelled the sweetness while looking for shadows to lurk in… running from the light to the dark with the panting dog beside me.
They were shooting something called Children’s Place… maybe t.v. It looked really low budget till you turned the corner and saw all the trailers and wardrobe and props. Anyway, they were dressing the park to fake fall. Nice day to try…not. Everything too lush and them with a bag of leaves and some pumpkins. Ha. F is for Fraud. I did sort of like how the name, “Children’s Place” contrasted with the theme of death and ghosts and war… and then I like how this old man studying his own reflection in the lake played with those themes too. I imagine he looks young in the reflection and he just can’t turn away.
Walking under bridges, through musty tunnels to see the ship come in and the stage set with characters ready to play out the drama of life and death and learning, or wait, those are just kids going to the Audobon Center, but from here it looks like Shakespeare.