Easter Monday

B.K.Bridge: mixed media on crate, ITIN ’03, Bob Stein Collection, aprox. 7ft.

It was another weird and impossible morning. For those of you who have seen Arc Along The Watchtower (sample pending), you know I have a strange connection with those proto-hippies, The Grateful Dead. So what should I find this morning in a box on 7th avenue?… Dead bootlegs (plus phish and strokes and beck, etc.). Apparently, another pot smoking hippie was forced to move out of the slope by high rents, or the call of Hollywood. The story depends on your view… Like Relativity.

Asside from the nice C.D.s, the kid left C.D. cases which I needed to give ITinomEGGsample to the Crat Cats at LMCC. Synchronicity or Coincidance… Ja, God, JeHova ,Allah, Buddha, NewYork provides…I am grateful, but not dead, nor dying. (In best drag queen voice): I’m busy being born.
