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The Dean Reads a Blog
11.22.2005, 6:15 PM
I am going to take our new dean on a tour of the educational blogging world tomorrow. Of the teacher blogsThe teachers and focused educational researchers. Oh, and the policywonks and teachers' unions with blogs.
The point of this tour is to show her the extent of the conversation--some of which is political, some of which talks about pedagogy, some about research and student outcomes. Unlike some other disciplines in the university, we in education have the funny marriage with politics and practice. So any solution has to be negotiated in terms of research, outcomes, practice, policy, and public support.
I'm trying to explain why practice and research and outcomes need to be viewed more tightly, and as a triangle that suggests practice can help drive research, that can help identify practice--all of which can lead to better student outcomes.
Anyway, this is a kind of rambling way to say I'm thinking about ways to draw some faculty and other intellectuals into a more direct dialogue with the public, practitioners, and policymakers. I hope it goes well. I think it will. I'll probably write about it on my weblog...
PS. My dean interested in digital, interactive textbooks.
Posted by jenny demonte at November 22, 2005 6:15 PM