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other readings
10.30.2005, 10:03 PM
Other readings (in no particular order) (please add to this list in comments)
- "We're All Postmodern Now" by Mitchell Stephens ("Even journalists have realized that facts don't always add up to the truth...") (download pdf)
- "The Blogosphere as a Carnival of Ideas" by Henry Farrell in The Chronicle of Higher Education
- "Mind The Gap" by Diana Rhoten in Inside Higher Ed ( embryonic cohort of new "postacademic intellectuals" in the making.)
- "Online Journalism: Modelling the First Generation of News Media on the World Wide Web" by Mark Deuze in First Monday
- "Weblogs and the Public Sphere" by Andrew Ó Baoill
- "Power Laws, Weblogs, and Inequality" by Clay Shirky
Posted by ben vershbow at October 30, 2005 10:03 PM
Here's another link to an academic explaining why we blog.
Posted by: PZ Myers at November 4, 2005 9:49 AM
Good one! I love the scribblingwoman blog.
Posted by: Chris Boese at November 4, 2005 12:24 PM
coincidentally (or is it?!?) i've been working with a UNC CH master's student who is looking at credibility, msm and new media. she asked for help on her lit review. i checked a few files and plucked out the following (all of which i'll bring to la). one or two might be redundant with christine's (sorry)
Thomas J Johnson and Barbara A Kaye, wag the blog: how reliance on traditional media and the internet influence credibility perceptions of weblogs among blog users, JQ, Autumn 2004.
Kelly Heyboer's "bloggin in the newsroom" AJR 25, 8 (2003/20004)
Jesse Oxfeld, "letting the blogs out" E&Pub, 1 March 2005
Robert S. Boynton, new media may be old media's savior, CJR, 38, 3 (2000)
Paul Andrews, Is Blogging Journalism?, Neiman Reports, Fall 2003 (and a whole bunch of other blog articles in this neiman reports issue, half devoted to new media, half to the black press)
Michael Falcone, does an editors pencil ruin a web log, I THINK the NYTimes, 29 Sept. 2003 C9. not sure. i've got the article.
peace out
Posted by: brian at November 4, 2005 9:55 PM
love your blog. you'll be required reading for my digicom class.
Posted by: brian at November 4, 2005 9:59 PM
mutual fan club there, Brian. I'm looking forward to meeting you in L.A.
I'm still not sure I've found the voice of that new blog yet, or its sensibility, but like with my other ones, I'll just kinda grope around until the voice settles down.
Posted by: Christine Boese at November 6, 2005 4:25 AM