Catching Up

Bluedahlia  redstate

Cacthcing up witht the last few days at frost.

greatthis state is gone.

A Soft Machine


We had a soft opening for Cage and Uncaged last night.  Some of my favorite Street Artists came by and borrowed the remaing cans of paint to knock up on a discarded matress from the luxury condo building next door.  I told Javi who did what and gave him my leather man to cut out the muslin…. I said do what you will, but I’m not touching a matress…. I got bud bug bit once in Reno and I won’t suffer if for art, money, or love.  Viva Slepton!  Viva BAM!



raw time lapse of making a new cog sculpture out of expanding polyurethane foam (aka Good Stuff). Show opens Jan 18th. File subject to updating/editing. Lots of plumber crack…. lucky you.